Cortez Journal

DOW co-sponsoring program to get kids interested in fishing

May 22, 2001

DENVER — The Colorado Division of Wildlife is co-sponsoring a program to encourage children to develop an interest in fishing. As part of this year’s National Fishing and Boating Week, the Division will offer a "Take a Kid Fishing" event on June 2 at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora.

"This is a great opportunity for families to get together and develop children’s interesting in fishing," said Robin Knox, the Division’s sport fish manager. The event is being held in conjunction with Colorado’s free fishing days, June 2 and 3. Free fishing days allows Colorado residents to enjoy a weekend of fishing without purchasing a license.

"The weekend is a fantastic opportunity for parents to encourage their kids to develop an interest in fishing and the outdoors in general," said Eddie Kochman, the Division’s aquatic wildlife manager. "Children are the future of fishing. People should take their kids and the neighbors kids and head to a mountain reservoir, an urban lake or attend one of the fishing events that will take place throughout the state and wet a line. The kids will have a great time and the parents will enjoy it also."

The Take a Kid Fishing event is designed to teach responsible fishing skills to children; increase the awareness of the joys of recreational fishing; and, teach proper use of our national aquatic resources.

Ernie Eagle, the mascot from Eagle Claw Fishing Tackle, Woodsy Owl, the mascot from the U.S. Forest Service and Otto Otter, the Bureau of Reclamation mascot will be at the event for free photo opportunities.

The hands-on instructional opportunity will give nearly 400 children the opportunity to learn knot tying, fish identification, casting angling safety and ethics. Children, ages 8-15 who are accompanied by an adult will be welcome.

Participants will be divided into three separate classes. Children can chose a start time on the registration form. The three start times are 8:45 a.m., 10:15 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. It takes about three hours to complete the instruction. Fishing tackle and lunch will be provided.

Children will also get to fish for an hour. They are allowed to keep all of the fish they catch. Representatives will be on hand to help clean the fish. Once the children complete the event, they will be given free fishing tackle donated by the participating agencies.

"It is an excellent opportunity for kids to increase their knowledge of the different types of fish, fishing safety and fishing ethics," recreation assistant for Denver Water, Terri Doolittle said.

Participants will not need to pay to attend the event, but they must register by filling out a form available at the Colorado Division of Wildlife offices. The form can be downloaded from the Denver Water web site at . Participants will find a copy of the form by clicking on "recreation" and "Take a Kid Fishing." The form can be printed, filled out and sent in. All tackle will be provided at the location. No fishing license is required. No personal fishing tackle or pets are allowed.

The event is being co-sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management, the Colorado Division of Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado State Parks, U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, Eagle Claw Tackle Company, Buckly Airforce Base and Denver Water.

Upon receipt of registration, participants will be sent a packet confirming the start time and participants will also be contacted one to two weeks before the event to confirm attendance. People with questions concerning the event can contact Terri Doolittle at (303) 979-4129.

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