Cortez Journal

Freedom and responsibility

Nov. 2, 2000

Guest Column
By Bill Zimsky

I am the Libertarian candidate for House District 59. In my October 26 Public Pulse, In this guest column, I will present my legislative agenda to you.

I will champion legislation that: (1) reduces the size of state government; (2) restricts its interference with how we choose to live our lives; or (3) eases our tax burden. Conversely, I will fight against legislation that attempts to increase the size or power of the state government, or that increases our taxes.

The following are the major issues that I will fight for at the General Assembly.

  • Protection of Private Property Rights. I will sponsor legislation that provides if a governmental entity passes a land-use regulation that reduces the value of property by more than 50 percent, that the property owner receive compensation for his loss. Forcing a few individuals to bear alone the entire burden of a public benefit does not serve the interests of justice or fairness. 
    Some civil libertarians mistakenly discount the value of property rights compared to such "personal" rights as freedom of speech and religion. However, individuals obtain property through their hard work and, in some cases, taking the risks inherent in a free market system. Thus, property is merely an extension of the individual and we must be vigilant in protecting private property rights.

  • Tuition Vouchers. I will sponsor legislation to establishing an open tuition voucher system to improve education and give parents choice. Studies prove that vouchers work, especially for disadvantaged, high-risk kids. It just isn’t fair to let the affluent send their kids to private schools, while depriving poor parents the same opportunity. Exposing public schools to free market competition will force them to improve or lose funds. 
    Currently, the average amount of money spent in Colorado per student in K-12 is much more than many private schools that produce better results. Money is not the problem or the solution — North Dakota spends slightly more than half as much as Colorado and their kids consistently score higher on nationwide tests. The "soft bigotry of low expectations" is one problem, bloated administrative bureaucracies is another.

  • Protecting the Second Amendment Rights of Law Abiding Citizens. I am for crime control, not gun control. An extensive study by Professor Lott of Yale University establishes that states or cities that have restrictive gun control measures experience more crimes than those with less restrictive measures. It makes sense: guns provide protection; gun laws protect those that don’t follow laws. 
    I will sponsor legislation to increase the penalties for criminals who use guns, including mandatory sentences for longer periods, similar to Project Exile, which the Commonwealth of Virginia is implementing with great success in Virginia.

  • End the Insane War on Drugs. My definition of insanity is repeatedly engaging in the same behavior, consistently getting the same results, yet expecting the results to somehow change. That summarizes the history of the War on Drugs, a war that is doomed to fail, just like Prohibition. Criminalizing any activity or product attracts criminals, who operate by the rule of force and violence. The vast amount of money made by criminals in the drug trade corrupts our judicial systems. Police, prosecutors and judges use the War on Drugs as a pretext to attack our civil liberties, especially our right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. 
    Re-legalizing drugs will not increase the use of drugs — any high school student in Durango knows where to buy drugs now. Drug dealers push drugs on kids and adults because of the profit motive. We need to remove the profits while educating our kids, as well as adults, about the dangers of drug use and ensure that whoever chooses to take drugs accepts the personal responsibility for the inevitable adverse affects of such behavior.

The most important thing to remember when you vote, is to vote for somebody who champions the values that matter most to you. Therefore, if you want to reduce the size of government and its influence on how you choose to live your life, if you want to restore the American Dream of individual freedom and personal responsibility, you should vote for me because I am the only candidate who wants to fight this battle in Denver.

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