Cortez Journal

Precinct caucuses will determine party politics

April 8, 2000


Even though the campaigning has already started, the political season in Montezuma County gets under way officially Tuesday with the Republican and Democrat precinct caucuses, the first step in selecting candidates for local office and delegates to the parties’ state conventions later this spring.

To participate in a caucus, a person must be a registered voter of that party and a resident of the precinct in which it is held.

There are only three local races in the fall election. Two are for county commissioner in Districts 2 and 3, seats currently held by Republican Kent Lindsay and Democrat Kelly Wilson, both of whom are running for second terms; however, both of those nominations are being contested.

Wilson, whose district includes the eastern part of the county, is facing a challenge from builder Lyle Rice for the Democratic nomination. Lindsay, who represents the Cortez area, is being opposed for the Republican nomination by businessman Ray Gallacher, who declared his candidacy Thursday.

Those attending the Democratic and GOP caucuses will have a chance to choose delegates to the county assembly who will support either of their party’s candidates.

The Republican nominee in District 2 will probably be running against Tony Valdez, who is so far unopposed for the Democratic nomination.

In the third race, District Attorney Mike Green is running for a second term in the 22nd Judicial District — Montezuma and Dolores counties — and is unopposed for the Democratic nomination.

Former Deputy District Attorney Tim Tuthill announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination last month, and is also unopposed.

At the county assembles, candidates must win the support of at least 30 percent of the delegates to gain a spot on the August primary ballot, although they may also get on the ballot through the petition process if they fail to garner sufficient support at the assemblies.

Montezuma County’s Republican assembly will be held April 28 at the American Legion in Cortez beginning at 7 p.m., and will be preceded by the 22nd Judicial District assembly at 6:30 p.m.

The Democratic county assembly will be held May 6 beginning at 9:30 a.m., also at the American Legion, and will also include a 22nd Judicial District assembly.

Delegates to the 58th and 59th District assemblies, where nominees for the state legislature are selected, will be named at the caucuses, and delegates to the parties’ state conventions will be chosen at the county assemblies.

Delegates to the parties’ national conventions, where presidential nominees Al Gore and George Bush will be confirmed, will be selected at the state conventions. Nominees for Colorado’s six seats in the U.S. House of Representatives will be chosen by delegates from those districts in conjunction with the state conventions.

Registered voters who are uncertain about which precinct they live in can call the Montezuma County Clerk’s office at 565-3728.

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