Cortez Journal

Longtime tribal director dies at 67

August 16, 2001

Wilfred Madrid

Johnandrew Wilfred Madrid, long-time executive director of the Ute Mountain tribe, died Tuesday at the age of 67, leaving a legacy of leadership and goodwill.

"He contributed a great deal to the tribe and helped us grow from nothing to the economic strength that we have and enjoy today," said Ute Tribal Council member Selwyn Whiteskunk Wednesday.

Madrid reportedly had been with the tribe at least 30 years, working his way from accountant to chief finance officer to executive director. Always with an keen eye towards the future of the tribe, Madrid had the ability to communicate ideas and make them a reality, Whiteskunk said.

Madrid kept watch over the tribe’s education, Indian Health Service and economic development. From the Ute Mountain Casino to the pottery business and new travel center, Madrid was there making sure the job was done on budget and on time. He was especially active in lobbying for Ute water rights now being protected under the Animas-La Plata project.

"He will be very sorely missed," Whiteskunk said. "Wilfred really knew what the tribal people were going through. He was a great advisor to the tribe and took on a tremendous amount of responsibility."

Madrid was not a tribal member, but he might as well have been, said friend and Ute education specialist Tina Galyon.

"In their hearts, everyone considered him a part of the tribe," she said. "He was a great mediator. He was our mainstay and had a casual leadership style that was innovative, not confrontational. That compassion brought us as a tribe a lot of success. We will really miss him."

A memorial service will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at the Cortez Middle School gymnasium. Out of respect for the school and the family, his body will not be present for viewing, nor will the ashes be brought to the school.

Four Corners Funeral Chapel, Hale and Gerken Funeral Directors, will handle the arrangements.

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